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The Innovative Start-Up is a young high-tech business with great growth potential.

«Joint stock companies are companies whose main purpose is to product, develop and trade services and high tech products»

For some time now, various measures have been promoted on such type of business aimed at supporting start-ups in the various phases during their life cycle.

A company that can meet the objective and subjective requirements set out by Italian Legislative can be eligible to the Innovative Start-UP status and register its business under the special section of the Business Registration Office.

In this manner, the benefits reserved for the Innovative Start-Ups can be used within 5 years after the date of incorporation, for example direct funding to a company gives the possibility to be eligible to the Smart&Start incentive and tax incentives for private individuals or companies that invest in the share capital of Innovative Start-Ups.

Given in any case a new flourishing ecosystem and considering that the Innovative Start-Ups can bring transversal innovation and development to the entire actual economy, there are multiple facilitating calls for funding that are frequently proposed by various national and non-national institutions.

Even from a corporate governance and labour standpoint, the Innovative Start-Ups have a series of exemptions that allow for a lesser complexity and less operating expenses for the company itself.

The goal for Italy is to promote and facilitate the emergence of Innovative Start-UPs as a means to facilitate sustainable growth in the country, including technology development, employment and in particular for the young thereby facilitating the start up of a new business culture aimed at innovation to allow for a stronger ability to attract talented people and foreign capital in Italy.

Incorporation phase:

  • Assess whether own customers meet the necessary requirements to register under the special section of the Business Registration Office dedicated to the innovative start-ups.
  • Oversee the incorporation processes and subsequent registration of the company to the special section of the Business Registration Office dedicated to the innovative start-ups.
  • Support existing companies that have an interest in becoming an Innovative Start-up so that they can register under the special section of the Business Registration Office dedicated to the innovative start-ups.

Facilitated Funding Services for Stat-Ups:

Baldi Finance supports its customers in finding and obtaining resources from specific calls for funding dedicated to the Innovative Start-ups:

  • Seeking the right call for funding that can offer the best chances of success

  • Submitting the application to the disbursing entity and dealing with all the bureaucratic activities

  • Account reporting of the call for funding

  • Resolving any issues with the disbursement entity

  • Preparing documentation to be kept within the company

  • Providing support in any second level post-disbursement audits