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Merger & Acquisition

Corporate Finance

Business Plan and Management Control

Facilitated Financing



Nuova Sabatini

The “Nuova Sabatini” scheme pursues the goal of strengthening the production and competitive system of SMEs by accessing credits aimed at acquiring or leasing of tangible or intangible assets (brand new) for production use.

It is a funding up to 80% of the total financing that must be:

  • Less than 5 years

  • Of an amount between Euro 20,000 to Euro 4 million

  • Entirely used to cover eligible investments

The contribution is calculated in an amount equal to the interests calculated conventionally on the financing of an amount equals to the investment at an annual interest rate equals to:

  • 2.75% for ordinary investments;

  • 3.575% for investments on digital technologies and investments on waste tracking and weighting systems (investments listed in exhibit A and B).

Budget Law 2022

Facilitated funding re-financed with Euro 180 million for each year from 2022 until 2026.