Facilitated Financing for Businesses
The Facilitated Financing sector is a branch of the company finance division that is responsible for seeking funds for companies at improved conditions with respect to market conditions.
Therefore, these are integrated financing resources that can supplement company funds with the purpose of reducing overall costs and support investments in specific areas of interest.
Recourse to these forms of funding that can include capital grants, interests or that can consists of concessions of guarantees for funding provided by third party organisations should in any case be motivated by an option of planed investment with a time horizon sufficiently long to allow the conclusion of the chosen facilitated financing procedure (which is unlikely concluded in a few months).
Thanks to the skills and expertise gained over the years, our consultants are capable of providing value added to the Client already from the first feasibility analysis phase by making sure that the time demands of the client and those of the call for funding are compatible thereby laying a solid foundation in terms of selection to allow for the maximum economic result.
Baldi Finance supports the business in the following phases:
- Finding the right call for funding that can offer the best chances of success
- Preparing the application by following the technical phases relying on its Engineering Team
Submitting the application to the disbursing entity by taking care of all the bureaucratic activities
Account reporting of the call for funding
Resolving any issues with the disbursement entity
Preparing documentation to be kept within the company
Providing support in any second-level post-disbursement audits