Other facilitations
Advertisement Tax Credit
Facilitations for MSMEs, innovative start ups and large enterprises, aimed at obtaining a tax credit for incurred expenses to purchase advertising spaces and inserts made through:
Periodic/Daily Press (national or local) or even online
Local TV and radio broadcasting stations (analogical or digital)
The facilitation consists of a tax credit of 50% of the value of the advertising investments made on newspapers and magazines, even in digital format (“Press”) and for investments on local TV and radio broadcasting stations.
Sponsorship tax credit
It is a credit intended for businesses of any size, as well as for self-employed workers and non-commercial entities that make investments on sponsorships.
Investments on sponsorships are eligible in favour of the following:
Leagues that organise national championships based on teams for Olympic sports
Professional sporting associations registered in the CONI registry operating in sports eligible for Olympic Games and that conduct youth sports activities
Sporting associations registered in the CONI registry operating in sports eligible for Olympic Games and that conduct youth sports activities
Amateur sporting associations registered in the CONI registry operating in sports eligible for Olympic Games and that conduct youth sports activities
The eligible facilitation consists of a tax credit of 50% of the total investment made with respect to a minimum expense of Euro 10.000.
Calls for funding Brands + Patents + Designs +
These are facilitations whose purpose is to support small and mid-size Italian businesses to protect intellectual property rights.
The purpose of the contributions is to increase the economic value of patents, designs and models and national trademarks.